Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve collected some of the most popular questions asked by applicants as a resource for you.
What is subscription staffing?
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In the past, companies had to go through the process of finding, recruiting, and directly employing highly talented individuals. This involved dealing with various complexities such as legal matters, payroll, and HR administration. Here at Genie Pro, we assemble, source and personally train our team of top-notch executive assistants, and offer their services on a long-term basis. This allows businesses to swiftly access carefully matched remote talent for the specific number of hours they require each month, all with the ease of a straightforward monthly payment.

How is Genie Pro different from a virtual executive company?
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Genie Pro differs from a typical virtual executive company in that our virtual executives are not only tech-driven but also proficient in managing modern businesses. While traditional virtual executives may offer administrative support, Genie Pro's virtual executives are equipped to handle the complex needs of contemporary businesses, making them more versatile and adaptable.

Our virtual Genies are well-versed in the latest technologies and tools, enabling them to streamline and optimize various aspects of your business operations. Whether it's managing digital marketing campaigns, handling customer relationship management systems, or overseeing e-commerce platforms, our tech-driven virtual executives have the skills and knowledge to keep your business running smoothly in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

Moreover, what truly sets Genie Pro apart is our virtual executives' capacity to adapt and cater to the unique needs of modern businesses. They don't just offer routine administrative support; they are also well-equipped to handle the dynamic and multifaceted challenges that contemporary companies face. This includes tasks such as data analysis, online project management, and staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies.

In essence, Genie Pro's virtual executives are not just virtual administrative support; they are integral partners in the success of your business, leveraging technology and modern business acumen to help you thrive in today's competitive landscape.

What type of roles do you offer?
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There are only 3 categories of roles we offer; they are Project Management, Administrative, and Sales.

Can I work for Genie Pro on a short-term basis while I look for a “permanent” position?
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Please only consider applying if you are interested in joining our team for the long term. Genie Pro is a career choice in itself. We are not a “freelance platform” and we thoroughly invest in the human talent we have with technical skills so that all our Genies are proficient in the work that they do. There is a minimum contract of 3 to 6 months with a client that all Genies must adhere to.

Will I earn a certificate?
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Yes, at the end of the course, graduates of the programme will receive certificates. However, there are prerequisites or milestones that the students must meet in order to graduate from the programme.

Do I need a technical background to join the Masterclass?
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No, you typically do not need a technical background to be a Genie. The requirements for being a Genie would depend on the specific tasks and responsibilities associated with the position.

However, having strong computer skills, proficiency in common software tools (e.g., Microsoft Office, Google Workspace), and excellent organizational and communication skills can be highly beneficial in such roles.

If the role involves more technical or specialized tasks, such as digital/ technical support, digital marketing then relevant technical skills or knowledge may be required or preferred, depending on the specific job requirements.

In summary, while a technical background can be an asset, it is not a strict requirement for all virtual Genies. The specific skills and qualifications needed will vary based on the nature of the tasks involved.

How will classes be held?
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Online on Zoom. Do check back in from time to time for the next enrollment.

What is the duration of the Masterclass?
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Total of 30 hours in 6 weeks.

Can I sign up for the Masterclass without being a Genie?
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Yes, you can. At Genie Pro, we place great importance on investing in the development and growth of all our team members. Our Masterclass program is a valuable resource we offer exclusively to our Genies. This program is specifically designed to empower our Genies with additional skills, knowledge, and expertise that align with our organizational goals and values.

While we value learning and development, we have structured the Masterclass to be an integral part of our commitment to our Genies. It serves as a means to further enhance their capabilities, enabling them to excel in their roles and contribute effectively to our organization's success.

By focusing on our internal talent and providing them with tailored opportunities like the Masterclass, we reinforce our dedication to fostering a thriving and dynamic workforce. As such, the Masterclass is not open to individuals who are not part of our Genie team, as it is specifically designed to meet the unique needs and aspirations of our valued team members.

Who are your Trainers for the Masterclass?
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Our team of trainers is the driving force behind our commitment to your growth and success. We are proud to officially work alongside Nimble Digital Academy, the academic arm of Nimble Marketing Consultancy that is headquartered in Singapore.

Let us introduce you to the professionals who will shape your journey as a Genie.

Professional Prowess

Our trainers boast an impressive array of professional experiences in the very domains in which Genie thrives in. With years of hands-on involvement, they bring real-world wisdom to the table.

Industry Insight

At Genie Pro, we don't just stay current; we set the pace. Our trainers are deeply entrenched in the industries we serve, ensuring you receive knowledge that's always ahead of the curve.

Learning Never Ends

Just like our dynamic environment, our trainers are committed to lifelong learning. They keep a vigilant eye on industry shifts, emerging technologies, and evolving best practices to keep your knowledge fresh.

Communication at Its Finest

Clear, concise, and compelling – that's how our trainers convey complex ideas. Through workshops, one-on-one sessions, and meticulously crafted materials, they ensure you grasp every concept.

Problem-Solving Savvy

When challenges arise, our trainers are your guiding light. They empower you with problem-solving skills to navigate any obstacle that may come your way.

Client Insight

Understanding our clients is key to our success. Our trainers share their insights, helping you anticipate and meet client needs effectively.

Success Stories

We don't just teach – we inspire. Our trainers bring to life success stories and case studies from our own experiences and those of Genie's clients.

Empathy and Encouragement

It's not just about knowledge; it's about confidence. Our trainers provide unwavering support and coaching to help you grow professionally.

Feedback for Growth

Improvement is a journey, and our trainers are your trusty guides. They offer regular feedback and evaluations to fuel your progress.

Want to learn more?

Genie's trainers are more than educators; they're your partners in unlocking your full potential. Join us on this transformative journey, where expertise meets excellence, and your success is our priority.
Get in touch with us
I have graduated from my Capstone Immersive. What now?
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Firstly, congrats! The goal is to ensure that Genies have the knowledge, tools, and support they need to effectively serve their clients and contribute to the success of the organization. Here's a general overview of how Genies are onboarded:

The Flow

Need a help? Don't hesitate to contact us!

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Orientation and Welcome

New Genies are usually welcomed to the organization with an orientation session. During this session, they are introduced to the company's culture, mission, and values. They might also receive an overview of the organization's history and structure.

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Paperwork and Documentation

As with any job, there is often a set of administrative tasks to complete. This includes filling out necessary paperwork for employment and providing identification and contact information.

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Client Onboarding

Genies are often assigned to work with specific clients or businesses. Therefore, they may go through client-specific onboarding processes. This could involve learning about the client's industry, preferences, communication protocols, and specific tasks they need to handle.

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Performance Expectations

Clear performance expectations and metrics are established during onboarding. Genies will understand what is expected of them in terms of productivity, quality of work, and meeting client needs.

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Communication and Reporting

Effective communication is crucial for remote work. Genies are typically trained on how to communicate with clients and team members, including regular reporting and status updates.

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Data Security and Confidentiality

In many cases, Genies will have access to sensitive client information. Onboarding includes training on data security and the importance of maintaining client confidentiality.

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Ongoing Support and Mentorship

Some companies offer mentorship programs or ongoing support to help Genies settle into their roles and continuously improve their skills.

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Evaluation and Feedback

After a probationary period or initial training period, there may be evaluations and feedback sessions to assess our Genie's performance and provide guidance for improvement.

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Cultural Integration

Virtual executives often work remotely, so onboarding may also focus on integrating Genies into the company's virtual culture, emphasising the importance of teamwork, communication, and collaboration despite the physical distance.

What currency will I be paid in?
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All Genies are paid in USD and stipend will be paid directly to your bank account.

What's Genie Pro onboarding like?
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Our onboarding process blends Live Zoom training sessions with self-guided learning components. This comprehensive experience acquaints you with Genie Pro’'s company culture, core values, and effective strategies for thriving in a remote work setting. Additionally, you'll gain access to our digital resource library, housing a wealth of case studies, instructional videos, and informative guides. Naturally, we'll cover essential topics such as employment details and payment procedures.

Throughout this period, we'll also take the opportunity to better understand your unique preferences, allowing us to recommend companies that align with your interests and availability.

How soon will I start work with companies?
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Typically, we are able to deploy our Genies within 1 to 2 weeks of onboarding.

Will I have a manager overseeing my work?
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Indeed, you'll receive guidance and instructions from the executive of the company you're assisting. Additionally, you'll be matched with a Genie Pro Team Leader who serves as your supervisor, offering mentorship and ongoing support throughout your time with us. Your Team Leader will always be accessible for inquiries and regular face-to-face interactions – a practice you'll find quite frequent!

Do I get to choose the companies that I want to work for?
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Even though we operate as a fully remote company, our commitment to understanding you, your preferences, your schedule, your expertise, and more is unwavering. We actively recommend you for potential client engagements, giving you the opportunity to connect with companies that pique your interest to ensure a compatible match. It's important to emphasize that the decision to support a company is always yours to make.

Which industry does Genie Pro work with?
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We are industry agnostic and partner with a diverse range of companies and entities, spanning the spectrum from individual solopreneurs and startups to well-established corporations. They range anywhere from healthcare, technology, science, medicine, design, finance, nonprofits, marketing, and various others. Irrespective of the industry, you'll consistently have the chance to assess details and engage in discussions with the client to ensure mutual interest in working together.

Build an exceptional team globally. We train them, so you don't have to.

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